TAM Museum is co-founded by Dr. Gülşah Stapel and Müge Avar,  two cultural visionaries with deep expertise in migration history, transcultural storytelling, and museum curation.
Dr. Gülşah Stapel has historical expertise and is a cultural researcher specialized in  migration between Turkey - Germany and cultural memory. Her extensive work in academia and museums bridges historical narratives with contemporary identity debates.
Müge Avar is a scenographer and interior architect who has worked on immersive exhibitions and diverse projects in Germany and internationally. She specializes in storytelling through
space and visual media, bringing history to life in new, engaging ways.
They are accompanied by a growing number of volunteers actively supporting this initiative:
museum professionals, historians, curators, artists, lawyers,
architects, writers, collectors, and NGOs.
Together, they bring the expertise, vision, and commitment to establish TAM Museum as a pioneering institution for transcultural history to challenge the “single narrative” on minorities.

Active Volunteers Team
Ayşegül Dinççağ, Dipl-Ing. Architect, Berlin
Başak Tezcan, PR & Communications Manager, Berlin
Begüm Kadıoğlu, Social pedagog, Berlin
Bülent Durmuş, Architect, Managing Director of Agentur für Internationale Museumskooperationen gGmbH, Berlin
Cornelia Thiele, Curator, Berlin
Derya Bermek-Kühn, Chairman of Deutsch-Türkisches Forum, Stuttgart
Dilek Güngör, Author, Berlin
Dr. Jenny Broekmann-Friese, Lawyer, Morrison Foerster, Berlin
Dr. Malte Fuhrmann, Historian, Berlin
Dr. Verda Kaya, Curator, Berlin
Ercem Çardak, Lawyer, Morrison Foerster, Berlin
Fabian Stapel, Lawyer, Berlin
Hüseyin Coşkun, Historian, Berlin
Ilkan Kır, Photographer and Artist, Berlin
Julia Kühn, Editor, Berlin
Marc Tamschick, Founder Tamschick Media + Space GmbH, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Nazan Maksudyan, Historian, Centre Marc Bloch, FU, Berlin

Pınar Boğa, Historian and Urbanist, Berlin
Sebastian Jünger, Architect and Artist, Berlin
Tanya Gerber, TNG Artist Management, Interior Design, Berlin
Yeşim Tüzün, Lawyer, Morrison Foerster, Berlin
Yetkin Başarır, Designer and Artist, İstanbul

TAM Museum is being founded as a
non-profit and independent organization with the help of the many - currently 114. Thanks to: 

Aelrun Goette, Author/Director, Berlin
Alexander Herbert, Lawyer, Berlin and Zürich
Alexandra Weltz-Rombach, Filmmaker/Producer, Berlin
Anja Bellmann, Historical - Political Education, Berlin
Ayse Başaran, Pensioner, Istanbul
Azize Tank, Member of Parliament, Berlin
Berkant Başaran, Tax Consultant, Hamburg
Berkant Buchwald, CEO & Co-Founder District One GmbH
Boris Borowski, Berlin

Burhan Gözüakça, Founder BEYS, Berlin
Christian Balasz
Conny Stolle, VHS-Lehrerin, Housewife, Mannheim
Dominik Busch, Digital Curator and Head of Education, Zeppelin Museum, ICOM Board Member, Friedrichshafen

Dr. Alina Gromova, ICOM Vice President and Deputy Director Centrum Judaicum, Berlin
Dr. Birte Werner, Karlsruhe
Dr. Claudia Emmert, Director of Zeppelin Museum, ICOM Board Member, Friedrichshafen
Dr. Felicia Sternfeld, Director of Hansemuseum and President of ICOM Deutschland, Lübeck
Dr. Gerhard Sälter, Historian, Berlin
Dr. Jochen Kibel, Research Associate TU Berlin, Berlin
Dr. Juliane Haubold-Stolle, Historian, Berlin
Dr. Juliane Haubold-Stolle, Historikerin, Berlin
Dr. Motte, Founder of Loveparade, Berlin

Dr. Udo Gößwald, Museum Professional, Author, Berlin
Dr. Sylvia Butenschön, Garden Monument Conservator, TU Berlin
Dr. Verena Pfeiffer-Kloss, Publisher, Urban Researcher, Berlin
Eberhard Schultz, Lawyer, Berlin

Elisabeth Wolff, Regensburg
Ellen Dosch-Roeingh, CEO and Founder Logowerk, Berlin

Esra Ersen, Artist, Berlin
Esra Yavuz, Teacher, Berlin
Ewe Buck-Weigl, Adelaide, Australia
Fred von Bose, Curator, Lecturer, Jury Member of
European Museum of the Year Award

Günnur Erdoğan, Hamburg
Hella Kilani-Hillmann, Legal Consultant NDR, Hamburg
Idil Efe, Diversity Oriented Organizational Development, Curator, Berlin
Janek Lorenzen, City Planner, Belgium
Jonathan Weskott, Customs Officer, Köln
Julia Weber, Senior Manager Communications Sony Music, Berlin
Katrin Geuter, Berlin
Lotta Weigl, Artist, Berlin
Maria Sophie Schenk Gräfin von Stauffenberg
Markus Geiler, Journalist, Berlin
Martina Haag, Interior Designer, Berlin
Melissa Ortiz-Gomez, Dancer and Choreographer, Hamburg
Mehmet Soylu, IT, Stuttgart
Murat Tosun, Journalist and CEO B34 Media, Berlin
Mustafa Akça, Outreach Curator Komische Oper, Berlin

Mukaddes Steinkrüger, Pedagog, Berlin
Nezaket Ekici, Artist, Berlin
Nurcan Sahin, Berlin
Oğuz Erdil, Metropol FM, Berlin
Perihan Turan, CEO City Compact, PN Business Consultancy, Berlin
Pia Eiringhaus, Historian and Curator, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Sonja Klocke, German Studies, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Herold, Art Historian, Monument Preservation, Berlin
Prof. Michael Rothberg, Holocaust Studies and Comparative Literature, UCLA, U.S.A.
Prof. Susanne Kühn, Artist, Freiburg
Prof. Yasemin Yıldız, German and Comparative Literature, UCLA, U.S.A.
Sarah Ulrich, Psychologist, Social Impact Expert, Kaarst
Selina von Holleben-Herbert, Publisher, Berlin und Zürich
Shahab Sangestan, Head of the Baden-Württemberg State Office
for Museums,  Stuttgart

Stephan George, Adelaide, Australia
Suy Lan Hopmann, Curator, Hamburg/Berlin
Susanne Klaßen, Doctor, Berlin
Viktoria Kaya, Berlin

Willemien van Dreven, Museum assistant, Humboldtforum, Berlin
... and others who did not want to be named publicly.
Müge Avar and Dr. Gülsah Stapel
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