1845 Smryna/Izmir
German success story in the Ottoman Empire

1918 - Family gathering at a beer garden Source: Türkiye Tarih Vakfı

Original beer bottle Source: www.levantineheritage.com
Clara Pohl and her first husband, Mr. Stengel, came from southern Germany to Smyrna (Izmir) around 1842
and established a successful brewery.
and established a successful brewery.
After her husband’s early death, Clara married Gottfried Prokopp in 1842, and together they continued the brewing business.
In 1845, the Prokopps became the first to brew beer on a larger scale in Izmir. Their success quickly grew, allowing them to meet high demand on a semi-industrial scale.
After Gottfried’s death in 1860, Clara, known as “Veuve Prokopp,” turned the beer into a legend.
Their brewery shaped the region’s beer culture and gained fame far beyond Izmir.