Traugott Fuchs is not a well-known figure among the intellectuals who fled Nazi Germany to Turkey.
Yet his contributions in Art, Literature and locally were significant. An extensive and largely unexplored archive is now worked on in the archive of Bogazici University.
One extraordinary time capsule he left us, are his passion for his collage notebooks in which he documented articles from 1970’s and 1980’s in the newspaper „Günaydin“.
Self Portrait Traugott Fuchs, approximately 1940 Source: Hermann Fuchs, Wikimedia, CC

Excerpt from a Günaydın notebook of Traugott Fuchs in the years 1977/78 Source: Archive of Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, https://bogaziciarsivleri.bogazici.edu.tr/en/exhibition/fuchs.php